Clinical Meeting

Date Activities
2016-03-30 A boy with shortness of breath and eosinophilia
2016-02-24 Diagnostic challenges of childhood tuberculosis in a medium prevalence city like Hong Kong
2016-01-27 Life-threathening asthma in preschoolers
2015-11-25 Anaphylaxis in PICU
2015-09-30 Lecture 1: Tracheostomy in children with severe neurologic impairment
Lecture 2: Nursing care of paediatric tracheostomy
2015-08-26 Lecture 1: An infant with Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome and Hirschsprung's Disease
Lecture 2: Nursing management of Home Mechanical Ventilation
2015-07-29 Pertusis in Shenzhen
2015-06-24 Paediatric pleural infections
2015-05-27 Drug or poison
2015-04-29 Vascular Rings
2015-03-25 Retrospective review of paediatric pulmonary tuberculosis from two local hospitals in Hong Kong
2015-02-25 Lecture 1: Review of cystic hydroma
Lecture 2: Management of severe upper airway obstruction
2015-01-28 Childhood Asthma - The Early Life Origin
2014-11-26 Pan-Delta Paediatric Respiratory Forum
(Air Pollution and Paediatric Respiratory Health)
2014-09-24 A Child with chILD
2014-08-27 Recurrent pneumonia in neurological impaired children
2014-07-30 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
2014-06-25 Necrotizng Pneumonia in Children
2014-05-28 Babies with acute stridor
2014-04-30 Invasive Pneumococcal Disease and Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (HUS)
2014-03-26 Lecture 1: Allergy, Environment and Asthma
Lecture 2: Experience with SCIT
2014-02-26 The Fall of Macrolide
2014-01-29 Advance Ventilator Support Modes: How Useful
2013-11-27 The use of cuffed endotracheal tubes in paediatrics
2013-09-25 Non-invasive Ventilation: From Pressure to Flow



