Title: 11th HKSPR Annual Scientific Meeting (1-2 Nov)
Date: 2008-11-01
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Description: Dear all,

Our 11th Annual Scientific Meeting will be held on 1-2 November, 2008, in Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.

Please mark your calendar, and come back to check the updated programme again.


Dermatology and Skin Care Workshop*
  • Eczema Care: An Update
  • Nursing Care of Atopic Eczema
  • Review on Skin Allergy Tests
  • Local Experience in Skin Prick Tests
  • The Prick Test in Practice
  • The Patch Test in Practice

Allergy and Immunotherapy Workshop*
  • Overview of Management for Respiratory Allergies
  • Diagnostic Workup for Respiratory Allergies
  • Allergen Immunotherapy - How It Works?
  • Allergen Immunotherapy for Respiratory Allergies
  • Update on Immunotherapy for Other Allergic Diseases
  • Practical Session on Allergy Diagnostic Tests and Nasal Washout

Plenary Lectures
  • Approach to Chest Pain in Children
  • Allergic Rhinitis in 2008
  • New and Important Issues in Lung Infections

Recent Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances
  • Resuscitation of Neonates 2008
  • Resuscitation of Children 2008
  • Advances in Radiology for the Management of Difficult Paediatric Respiratory Conditions
  • Paediatric Interventional Flexible Bronchoscopy

Respiratory Infections
  • Respiratory Infection Monitoring and Control
  • Ventilator-associated Pneumonia in Children
  • Antibiotics Usage in Children’s Hospitals and the Correlation with Antibiotics-resistant Pneumococci in China

Luncheon Symposium
  • Management of Early Childhood Asthma 2008

Sleep Medicine
  • The Role of Sleep Polysomnography in Early Infancy
  • Neurocognitive Impact of Obstruction Sleep Apnoea in Children
  • Surgical Management of Paediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
  • A Multi-disciplinary Sleep Medicine Centre: The Chang Gung Model
  • Guideline on Management of Childhood Snoring

Practical Issues in Respirology
  • Nursing Management of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
  • Tracheostomy Nursing Care
  • Exercise Tolerance Assessment and Exercise Prescription in Children
  • Exercise Training in Children

* Concurrent Programme


Dr. Eric Chan, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong
Ms. Yuk-hing Chan, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. Ning-hung Chen, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei
Dr. Wa-keung Chiu, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. Pok-yu Chow, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. Winnie Chu, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong
Professor Andrew Colin, The University of Miami, USA
Dr. Marco Ho, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Professor Ellis Hon, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ms. Sau-yee Lau, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong
Ms. Miu-lan Lee, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
Professor Ting-fan Leung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr. Hsueh-yu Li, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei
Professor Lobo Louie, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Dr. David Luk, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
Ms. Shirley Ng, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
Ms. Yuk-sim Ng, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
Professor Nikos Papadopoulos, The University of Athens, Greece
Professor Steven Ringer, Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Wing-hong Seto, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. Wen-jue Soong, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei
Ms. Wai-sim Sung, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
Professor Ren-bin Tang, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei
Dr. Tsz-fun Tong, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. Nai-shun Tsoi, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. Tat-kong Wong, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. Yu-shu Wong, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei
Professor Yong-hong Yang, Beijing Children’s Hospital, Beijing


The Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine
The Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association


Please contact the Meeting Secretariat for details.


Workshops – Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Symposia – Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre


CMPMedica Pacific Limited
Tel: 2155 8557 / 2559 5888 Fax: 2559 6910
E-mail: meeting.hk@asia.cmpmedica.com

HKSPR 11th ASM Poster


