Become a member

To apply for membership in the HKSPRA, simply return your completed membership application form to:

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy
c/o Room CS-802B, 8/F., Department of Paediatrics, Kwong Wah Hospital, 25 Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Renew your membership

Dear members,

The annual subscription fee for this year is HK$200 for Full Members and HK$100 for Associate Members. If you wish to become a Lifetime Member, the one off Lifetime Membership fee is HK$2,000.

Renew your membership now to secure your members' benefit. Please complete and return the "Annual Subscription" form with a cheque to us at your earliest convenience.

Please also observe our constitution as follows: "in default payment of 2 successive annual subscription fees, membership shall be liable to be struck off and a resolution of the council to that effect shall than be passed for that purpose. In such event, the membership shall cease automatically."

Members' benefit

HKSPRA members enjoy a large array of benefits including:

  • receiving printed copies of the Journal of Paediatric Respiratory and Critical Care, our official quarterly publication;
  • receiving email updates of our CME courses, invited lectures, and scientific meetings;
  • participating in our Annual Scientific Meeting, related Continuing Medical Education events, and other professional activities at member's discount rate;
  • participation in the Special Interest Groups, which provide an opportunity for members to join together t o discuss and review common areas of interest.

Membership types

You can join HKSPRA membership as one of the following categories:

  • Full Members

    Full Members shall have a doctoral degree or the equivalent. These may be specialists in paediatric respirology, paediatric critical care medicine, other physicians, and scientists interested in the mission of the Society. Admission fee for Full members is HK$200. The annual fee is HK$200.

  • Associate Members

    Associate Members are open to all paramedical staffs interested in the mission of the Society. These may include nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and other paramedical staffs. Admission fee for Associate members is HK$200. The annual fee is HK$100.

  • Lifetime Membership

    Full Members have the option of joining the Society as lifetime members. Lifetime membership fee is HK$2,000. The admission fee is waived.


